Delaware County has designated a thirty-day annual agricultural district inclusion period for 2021. If you have land that is currently being used for agriculture and you would like to participate in the program, the County will be accepting requests between the dates of April 15 to May 14, 2021.
The agricultural district program is designed to provide support for agricultural operations. Benefits of the program include protection against overly restrictive local laws, government funded acquisition or construction projects, and private nuisance suits involving agricultural practices.
To request inclusion of land into an agricultural district, please call and leave a voicemail message for Kent Manuel of the Delaware County Planning Department @ 607-832-5444 or e-mail by May 14, 2021. Requests will be reviewed by the County Agricultural and Farmland Protection Board and a public hearing will be held by the County Board of Supervisors prior to being forwarded to the state for final consideration.
Dated: April 16, 2021
Christa M. Schafer
Clerk of the Board
Delaware County Board of Supervisors