Composting in Delaware County
The Delaware County Department of Public Works’ Solid Waste Division operates a state-of-the-art composting facility which produces Oxbow Hollow Compost.
Compost Facility
Since 2005, all municipal solid and biosolid waste received at the Solid Waste Management Center is sent through the Compost Facility.
In the facility, non-compostable materials are screened and separated from compostable materials. Mature compost is sold to municipalities and the public as Oxbow Hollow Compost.
It is important for Delaware County residents, businesses, and farmers to follow material disposal guidelines to prevent possible contaminants from entering the compost.

No Fee
- Food scraps
- Grass clippings
- Leaves
- Household garbage
- Commercial wastes
- Biosolids
We do not compost animal carcasses.
Only deer and elk carcasses are accepted and landfilled.
For information about composting animal carcasses visit CCE’s website.
Why Compost
Municipal composting, when combined with recycling, is critically important to reducing the amount of materials that are landfilled in Delaware County.
Landfill space is limited at the Solid Waste Management Center, and once full, a new site must be found which can be socially, fiscally, and environmentally costly.
Composting and recycling efforts help to extend landfill life, however it’s also important to consider reducing incoming materials while also increasing correct recycling behaviors.
Oxbow Hollow Compost
Oxbow Hollow Compost is available by the cubic yard as a soil supplement and soil conditioner. It is not recommended for food crops. Cost is $10 per cubic yard with volume discounts available. Compost must be picked up at the SWMC.
For questions and sales information, please call (607) 865-4046 or email the Compost Plant Manager.

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Delaware County Department of Public Works’ Solid Waste Management Center is located at 32230 State Highway 10, Walton, NY 13856