Underside view of Hamden Covered Bridge

Engineering Division

Engineering Division

The Delaware County DPW engineering division oversees the design, construction and inspection of all county highway, culvert, and bridge improvement projects. The engineering division also oversees permit applications for work in county right of way by private and public entities.


All work performed within county right of way (ROW) requires a permit.

County ROW varies, making it important to contact our office when planning any project adjacent to a county road, pipe, culvert or bridge.  It is typically no less than 25 feet from the centerline of road and often continues farther to the back slopes of ditches and to the toe of embankment slopes where they have been maintained by the county.  Along some county routes, ROW purchased in fee extends substantially farther, so we encourage all residents, contractors, and utility companies to contact our office even if they think they are a safe distance from the road. 

Permit Type

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Access Permit


Access permits are required for:

  • New driveways for any purpose (residential, commercial, recreational, agricultural…)
  • Change in use of an existing access (for example: an existing field access on a lot where a home is to be built will have to be evaluated, meet sight distance requirements, and be built to county standards)
  • Temporary driveways for logging or to access any type of work site (even if a field access exists or the location does not require a pipe, this is a change in use for the period that the work is taking place)
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Work Permit

Work Permits are required for:

  • Projects that require vehicles or equipment to park, set up, load and unload, or operate within the county ROW.  This includes grading, topping, or paving existing driveways.  Traffic control shall be according to MUTCD and NY State Supplement when vehicles, equipment, materials, or personnel are on the road shoulders or encroaching on the travel lane.

Note: Structures such as walls, fences, pillars, sheds, etc., and plantings are not permitted within county ROW.

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Utility Permit

Utility Permits are required for:

  • Overhead and underground utility work where vehicles, equipment, personnel, or materials will be within the county ROW.  Plans for new installations shall be submitted for approval along with the application.  For facilities that require permanent driveway an access permit is also required.
  • Maintenance of existing facilities, including tree trimming, and utility pole replacements also require a permit when performed within county ROW.   

Call DPW at least one week in advance of work to discuss your plans: 607-832-5800.
Engineers can be reached Monday through Friday between 7:00am and 4:00pm.

Concrete Break Test
Hamden Covered Bridge
Corbett Roebling Suspension Bridge

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Delaware County Department of Public Works is located at 157 Main Street, Delhi, NY 13753

Serving Delaware County